
to our new series

Resilience – Rise Above Adversity

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RESILIENCE is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; having the toughness;

Having a positive mindset of no matter what has happened, what can I do now? We can either be taken down by the events or rise above them.

In simple words, resilience is the ability and tendency to “bounce back.” Bounceback means when we face challenges, failure, and disappointment instead of giving up or losing hope, we are able to get back up and find a way to go on.

 With this program, you will learn how to 

  1. Change your Mindset
  2. Be Optimistic
  3. Bounce back

RESILIENCE can be developed, needs to be maintained. We need to remind ourselves of the power we have inside, our strengths, our friends/family and network. All of these can help us overcome any adversity we may be facing.

Week 1 - Introduction to Resilience

Week 2 - Captain's attention to Weather & Events

Focus on Mind

  • What is the weather or eventes happening in your life?
  • Guided Meditation
  • Affirmations

Week 3 - Captain's Thoughts

Week 4 - Appraisal theory​

Week 5 - Benefit Finding

See you in Next week

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