About Me


Hi, I am a Certified Meditation, Holistic health & Transformation Coach.

My mission is to help you

  • Transform! 
  • have clarity & live your Purpose!

Hello, my name is Jas and my spiritual dharma names are Thubten Jamyang འཇམ་དབྱངས་ (Tibetan) & Fugan 付言 (Japanese)

I have studied and practiced various styles of meditations like Breathing, Mantra, Mindfulness, Tao, Tibetan Buddhist, Vipassana & Zen. I have been meditating for over 25+ years and my primary practice is Zen. I look to bring the “Simplicity  beauty of Zen” or Experience in my sessions and programs.

I also lead Wellness group and have held over 500+ sessions; over 25+ all day workshops on various themes of Mind, Body; Wellbeing. I have 25+ years experience in Marketing industry with focus on customer experience. Just like in marketing, my passion is to bring the techniques that can help our Wellbeing to maintain the Body and Mind harmony.

I have BA, MBA degrees and have studied Psychology, Sociology & Organizational behavior.

I am certified in: Mindfulness, Chopra Meditation, Health, Positive Psychology & Resilience

I am a Wellbeing Coach trained in transformation coaching & offer various programs.

I can help you with

transforming your life with a Holistic Health approach.

With my coaching, you will

My Services

Life Coaching

1-1 Sessions

Setting & Achieve


Self Development



Most frequent questions and answers

What would your coaching services look like

Rather than focusing on the past or healing a current wound, coaching can help bring you from where you are to where you want to be.

Coaching is not advice, therapy, or counseling and it may address aspects of your total well-being such as Ayurvedic lifestyle and meditation practices. Coaching service or activities includes life purpose, intention setting, meaning-making, and shadow work.

As a Coach, we go one step further, providing knowledge and guidance based upon your needs—often including needs you haven’t even identified.
As an agent of change, coaches can help you navigate forward through the phases of change to help you establish the new identity rather than regressing into the old identity.

At no point does the coach decide what needs to change or how to change it—you the client are the expert in their own life, and the coach is there to partner with you to keep you moving in the right direction.

What is Chopra coaching program?

The Chopra coaching program is Twelve weeks. Time commitment: One 90-minute and Seven 45-minute sessions over 12 weeks on four cornerstones

1. Knowing your PURPOSE

The experience of fully understanding the expansive and conventional “I.”

Think of the questions: “Who am I? What is my purpose?”



2. Setting INTENTION

The knowledge of intention puts the power of the outcome in the hands of the individual.Think of the questions: “What do I want? What am I grateful for?”;

3. Rewiring your MEANINGs

Action without meaning holds no value. The meaning behind action is the driving force that sustains positive change.

“How are my beliefs limiting my potential?”

4. Go beyond your BLOCKs

Recognize and clear internal blocks. This is the emotional ama that sticks to past experiences and prevents growth. Shadow work is the process of clearing that ama.

Think of the question: “What’s holding me back?”

Have questions?

Let's talk
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“The Journey of Thousand miles starts with ONE STEP

No matter where you are in life's journey....

I encourage you to take the next step and that time can be now – I am here to help support you on your journey.

Did you know that

  • Most people fail their resolution by Jan 19th – which is termed the Quitter’s Day
  • 80% abandon by second week of February

 This year achieve the life you desire!

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Mindfulness Course

Mindfulness is a wonderful practice that has many benefits for us at work and in personal life, such as increased focus and happiness. The practice can help us reduce stress and anxiety.
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