I take some steps every day for my "NEW ME"

A jug fills drop by drop was not said by Buddha but related to verses in Dhammapada:
“Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the wise man, gathering it little by little, fills himself with good.”
A reminder to us by Buddha that a choice we have to be wise and use our power of choice to become better or be fools and not.
In Buddhism is also a concept of Ignorance or delusion as an explanation of why we don’t make the right choices.
In Buddhist scriptures, Ignorance is the Sanskrit term avidyā (Pāli: avijjā), vid = common today as “knowledge” and means to see, know, perceive or understand, , a is a negation so results in the opposite meaning.
Avidyā is closely synonymous with moha, the Sanskrit term for “delusion.” Master Yen also gives us a nice analogy of mirror which shows us our face but simply by rotating it would reflect whatever is in front of it. We are in a way attached to body that like what’s shown in mirror is a reflection and not our true self.
Ignorance is like a thick cloud that darkens the sky, blocking the bright light of our inner wisdom.
Dharma Master Cheng Yen on Ignorance
Further in Buddhism is concept of three poisons (Trivisa):
- Ignorance/Delusion (Avidya)
- Attachment and craving or greed (Raga)
- Aversion or hatred (Dvesha)
These 3 poisons are why we continue to stay in cycle of birth, death and rebirth. Ignorance is also considered as the worst that prevents us from following the Dharma practices and techniques.
Good news is that, Just like there is a way to overcome Suffering, there is an antidote to ignorance is wisdom.
Think not lightly of evil, saying, “It will not come to me.” Drop by drop is the water pot filled. Likewise, the fool, gathering it little by little, fills himself with evil.
Buddha in Dhammapada
Meditation is a technique as part of our journey for us to become aware and get a clear understanding. Techniques like Zazen help us to everyday to practice and reflect; leading to experiencing and a clear understanding.
Read about What is Zen meditation or what is zazen
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