If you are looking to balance your life, I encourage you to take a holistic approach. Learn & practice Holistic Health to unlock better mental, physical & spiritual health by: …
Going beyond movement of mind is Yoga
योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः॥२॥ Yogaścittavṛttinirodhaḥ||2|| (yōga) Union is (nirodhah) cessation of (vritti) movements of (chitta) mind This is the second standza from Yoga Sutras Book I – Samadhi Pada. It can be translated as…
Now begins the practice of Yoga
अथ योगानुशासनम्॥१॥ Atha yogānuśāsanam||1|| (atha) Now (yōga) Union (anushasanam) practice/explanation/awareness or discipline This is the first standza from Yoga Sutras Book I – Samadhi Pada. It can be translated as…
Overcome Fear – Take baby steps
Introduction We all have a mind, and it’s capable of great things. A mind that can conceive and believe in something can achieve it. The power of your mind is…
Overcome Fear – Take baby steps
How can taking action help overcome FEAR The power of taking baby steps We all encounter fear in life, whether it’s fear of failure, fear of the unknown, or fear…
The Power of Positive Thinking
How can a Positive Mindset Can Change Your Life The Power of Positive Thinking Positive thinking or positive mindset is the ability to change your life by changing your thoughts….
New Year Resolutions
2023- Happy New Year! What is your New Year Resolution /s? Here are TOP 15 Resolutions for you to consider: Improve Physical Health EAT RIGHT EXERCISE DAILY GET ADEQUATE…
Create a vision for your life
Whatever it is that you want to Achieve! It starts with a Vision. Do you have a vision or some rough idea? It can be an aspiration, OR just a…
Purpose of Life is contribute in some way
Have you ever wondered on any of these questions? What is my Purpose? What will be my legacy once I leave this world? What will people remember me for? If you…
Purpose of Life is not to be happy…
Have you ever wondered on any of these questions? What is my Purpose? What will be my legacy once I leave this world? What will people remember me for? If you…